What is ESG?

Environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) is an approach to operating an organization that works on behalf of social and environmental goals in addition to its corporate goals. While businesses have a responsibility to shareholders and employees to make profit, companies embracing ESG principles also recognize that can be done without exploiting the planet, resources, and people making those profits possible.


The specifics of ESG



  • Climate risks
  • Natural resource scarcity
  • Pollution
  • Waste
  • Environmental opportunities


  • Labour issues
  • Product liability
  • Gender diversity
  • Human rights
  • Geopolitical environment


  • Board quality & effectiveness
  • Leadership
  • Executive pay
  • Audits
  • Internal control
  • Shareholder rights

ThoughtExchange is a company that truly cares about people and the planet.

We are motivated to run a successful company because it allows us to do even more good in the world, by supporting our customers with our platform and through how we operate our business.

How ThoughtExchange supports our customers in their ESG goals


  • Environment
    By using ThoughtExchange to scale conversations and make important decisions, our customers can reduce the need for travel and in-person meetings, reducing their carbon footprint while still getting to the critical outcomes they need to drive their business goals.
  • Social
    Our patented technology ensures all voices are equal, and all thoughts can be rated on merit, eliminating bias and discrimination. By encouraging diverse perspectives, the best ideas rise to the top, ensuring how our customers do business is inherently equitable and inclusive.
  • Governance
    ThoughtExchange offers leadership the opportunity to hear from all voices in an efficient and transparent way. This allows boards to make strategic decisions using the best ideas and data, with a clear record of what is important to stakeholders in the organization.

Our commitment to ESG

ThoughtExchange supports the Business Roundtable Statement, redefining the purpose of a corporation (2019) as “delivering value to ALL their stakeholders: customers, employees, suppliers, the communities in which they operate, and shareholders.

In 2022 we made the decision to establish an Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) Team with the goal of aligning all aspects of our business with our ESG Commitments.

We firmly believe that companies have a critical role to play in tackling global challenges such as environmental and social crises and in actively improving our world - beyond the simpler measure of return to shareholders.

ThoughtExchange commits to operating our company in genuine support of this belief, through our internal ESG efforts.



Though we are not the original stewards of this land we work, live and play on, we acknowledge a responsibility to care for the land, the environment, and the globe. We recognize that climate change is an unprecedented threat to life on our planet and that we, as a company, must work to address it by:

  • Being carbon neutral by 2050, and
  • Being 100% based on renewable energy by 2050.
To reach these goals, we are currently measuring and tracking our Carbon Emissions and also taking measures to reduce and offset our current carbon footprint.



We acknowledge our responsibility to support social justice and equity both internally in our company and externally, in the world. This includes our commitment to:

  • Applying Anti-Racism, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (ADEI) measures for our people, product, and purchasers
  • Facilitating Social Impact Partnerships with organizations working toward ESG goals
  • Promoting supplier diversity and human rights protections, including an understanding of how our vendors approach sourcing and supply chains
  • Implementing pay equity measures across our organization
  • Ensuring ethical use of our product



We actively encourage our investors to ensure that our board composition is representative of the markets that we serve and the purpose that our product has in the world, acknowledging that diversity in governance creates a more equitable and successful organization for us all. We commit to transparently reporting on and being accountable to our ESG commitments and progress to the Board and our staff on a regular basis. We are deeply proud that our employees are also shareholders in our company and have a say in our future direction.

We encourage and call upon all our employees and stakeholders to join the conversation about sustainable business and to help us live up to our ESG commitments.