
HR's Biggest Challenges and Opportunities

ThoughtExchange, in partnership with Talent Culture wants to know what's keeping HR & talent professionals up at night. What are the key issues that impact every facet of your work day?

We want to hear from you:
What areas are you focusing on at your organization to increase retention and drive business value?

We Want To Hear From You

The goal of this Exchange is to gain insight on your common challenges, and further conversations toward actionable solutions to address those challenges, by harnessing the collective intelligence of this group.

When you join the Exchange, you'll be asked a few segmentation questions, and then you'll be prompted to answer the BIG question:

When you join the Exchange, you'll be asked a few segmentation questions, and then you'll be prompted to answer the BIG question:

We want to hear from you: What areas are you focusing on at your organization to increase retention and drive business value?

Share Your Thoughts

Scan to share your thoughts

Your answers will be completely anonymous. As more thoughts are added and rated, the issues that resonate strongly with the group will rise to the top, and we'll start to see themes emerge. You can keep coming back to share and rate thoughts at any time!

How does an Exchange work?


Join the Exchange

Click the link, or scan the QR code, choose your preferred language, read the instructions, and join the conversation.

Join the Exchange

Click the link, or scan the QR code, choose your preferred language, read the instructions, and join the conversation.

Answer a few segmentation questions

This data may reveal interesting differences or themes depending on the size and type of organization. Your thoughts and ratings will always be anonymous.

Share your thoughts

Answer the open-ended question. You can give more than one answer, and interpret the question however you like.

Rate other thoughts

When you’re done sharing, start rating thoughts from 1 = Strongly Disagree, to 5 = Strongly Agree. Choose the rating that best represents your opinion on the thought presented. The more thoughts rated, the better the data!

Get the results

Enter your email address below to receive the results of the Exchange direct to your inbox!

Meet ThoughtExchange

See how our platform helps leaders quickly gain unbiased, critical insights to improve decision-making and align groups.

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Interested in ThoughtExchange?

If you'd like to see how ThoughtExchange can work for your organization, get in touch with one of our Talent and HR specialists today.