The Joy of District Strategic Planning: A Collaborative Approach
Find joy in district strategic planning with community engagement as your recipe for success.
Creating a district strategic plan can be a painful, time-consuming, and heavy undertaking for education leaders—but it doesn’t have to be. By using ThoughtExchange to inform, create, and validate the plan at its various stages, leaders can use a collaborative approach to strategic planning that builds alignment from the start.
On November 9, 2022, join Dr. Dennis Carpenter, former superintendent and ThoughtExchange’s Senior Advisor on Education and Kailyn Skuban, ThoughtExchange Customer Success Manager, as they host a panel of education leaders who will share their experiences developing, implementing and monitoring their district strategic plans.
You should attend if you’d like to learn:
- The basics and importance of the district strategic planning phases
- The value of, and process for, including diverse voices from the entire community
- How to establish buy-in and create champions for the plan at all levels
- Strategies to build common ground around polarizing issues
- What a unified, top-of-mind approach to strategy can achieve
Attendees will have a chance to engage with panelists on these topics and more. Register now to reserve your space and discover the joy a collaborative approach to strategic planning can be!
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Cicero School District 99, IL
Ramapo Indian Hills Regional High School District, NJ
Brighton Central School District, NY
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