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Leading for DE&I While White

January 13, 2021 10:00 AM PT/1:00 PM ET
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"Show up and be ready to take risks"

In doing the essential work of ensuring diversity, equity, and inclusion at your organization, it’s vital to understand that people of color didn’t create these issues. Also, one of the functions of systemic racism is to deny them the capital to solve such complex problems. In order to create the irreversible, sustainable change that’s needed, White leaders must show up and be ready to risk social and political capital in their organizations – and even complicate some of their relationships.

In this interactive virtual event, the first of a three-part series, we’ll hear from White leaders who know that this imperative is “on them.” We’ll look at how and why they’ve committed to this work, and the steps they’re taking to ensure effective and permanent diversity, equity, and inclusion in their districts.

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Shane Skjerven

Director of Education
Saskatoon Public School Division

Shane Skjerven is the director of education for the Saskatoon Public School Division, the largest school district in the province. Prior to becoming director, Shane served in the roles of deputy director, superintendent of education, principal, and vice-principal in Saskatoon Public Schools. Shane has a B. Ed. and an M. Ed. from the University of Saskatchewan.

Shane has been in the profession for 28 years, and spent the first ten years of his career in small communities throughout the province of Saskatchewan. In his free time, Shane likes to spend time with his chocolate lab, Weston and engage in fitness activities.


Cosimo Tangorra, Ed.D.

Superintendent of Schools
Niskayuna Central School District Schenectady, New York, United States

Dr. Cosimo Tangorra, Jr., has been the superintendent of schools in Niskayuna, New York, since June of 2015. He has been a Deputy Commissioner of Education for the State of New York, a principal, academic administrator, and teacher. In Niskayuna, he has overseen the development and implementation of a strategic plan that focuses on programs that prepare students for “their futures and not our past,” modernizing school facilities, and community partnerships. Leading the Niskayuna team through its earliest work around diversity, equity, and inclusion, he is proud to see this continue to evolve as the School Board recently adopted an Anti-Racism Policy and is engaged in a study in public session discussions around the podcast “Nice White Parents.”



Dr. Dennis Carpenter

Director of K12 Anti-Racism
and Equity

Dr. Dennis L. Carpenter has worked in the education field for more than two decades, most recently as a superintendent. Some of his many accomplishments include achieving Missouri’s highest annual performance score for improvement in underserved student performance, as well as spearheading the implementation of the equity-focused "Innovation Track Program" which enabled students to earn low or no cost college credits in partnership with the local community college. He has also worked to create a free full day pre-K program, expanded before and after school programs, improved teacher salaries and tripled fundraising efforts for student scholarships and teacher grants. Carpenter is a #TripleEagle, earning his bachelor’s degree in early childhood education, educational specialist and educational doctorate in educational leadership from Georgia Southern, as well as a master’s degree in educational leadership from Augusta State University. Some of his awards include the Georgia Southern Minority Leadership award and the Phi Beta Sigma Educator of the Year award. Dr. Carpenter is married to Dr. LaQuanda Carpenter and they have two young children, Landen Drake and Layla Dee. The family lives in North Augusta, South Carolina.

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Establishing Working Definitions on
Your Equity Journey

December 16, 2020 10:00 AM PT/1:00 PM ET
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"Avoid different meanings for different people"

At the heart of equity work are difficult conversations around anti-racism, diversity, equity, and inclusion, but often the powerful words have different meanings for different people. This can lead to misunderstanding and discomfort – reactions that are avoidable if you establish working definitions before you start the conversation.

Join Dr. Dennis Carpenter for an interactive discussion about this prerequisite to your equity conversations. He’ll look at how to establish your definitions, gain consensus to avoid triggering your participants, and lead successful and productive conversations on your equity journey.

Check out this Virtual Event!

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Leading for DE&I While White
Session #1
January 13, 202010:00 AM PT/1:00 PM ET
ThoughtExchange - Equity in Education Series Logo

"Show up and be ready to take risks"

In doing the essential work of ensuring diversity, equity, and inclusion at your organization, it’s vital to understand that people of color didn’t create these issues. Also, one of the functions of systemic racism is to deny them the capital to solve such complex problems. In order to create the irreversible, sustainable change that’s needed, White leaders must show up and be ready to risk social and political capital in their organizations – and even complicate some of their relationships.

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