Leading for DE&I While White
February 3, 2021 10:00 AM PT/1:00 PM ET
"Show up and be ready to take risks"
In doing the essential work of ensuring diversity, equity, and inclusion at your organization, it’s vital to understand that people of color didn’t create these issues. Also, one of the functions of systemic racism is to deny them the capital to solve such complex problems. In order to create the irreversible, sustainable change that’s needed, White leaders must show up and be ready to risk social and political capital in their organizations – and even complicate some of their relationships.
In this interactive virtual event, the third in this series, we’ll hear from White leaders who know that this imperative is "on them." Our speakers for Part Three are Dr. Jeffrey A. Matteson, District Superintendent and CEO, Tompkins-Seneca-Tioga BOCES, and Katie Roe, Executive Director of Secondary Schools at Hickman Mills School District. We’ll look at how and why they’ve committed to this work, and the steps they’re taking to ensure effective and permanent diversity, equity, and inclusion in their districts.
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Dr. Jeffrey Matteson currently serves as District Superintendent of Tompkins-Seneca-Tioga BOCES in Ithaca, New York. In this role he acts as the Commissioner of Education’s representative to the field and holds the title of CEO of one of the 37 educational service agencies in NY addressing the shared needs of nine regional school districts. In his thirty-year career in education, he has served as a social studies teacher, assistant principal, middle school principal, high school principal and Superintendent of Schools in Vermont and New York State.
Katie Roe, Ed.S. currently serves as the Executive Director of Secondary Schools for the Hickman Mills School District, located just south of downtown Kansas City, MO. Prior to that, her roles included high school math teacher, administrator, and Director of College & Career Readiness. She earned District Teacher of the Year in 2011 and earned numerous grants in the areas of STEAM, Project Based Learning (PBL) and College & Career Readiness. Roe is passionate about eliminating the opportunity gap for students of color as it relates to developing real-world learning experiences which turn into tangible opportunities beyond high school. As a white female who has spent all of her 15 years in education working in urban settings, she understands and believes that the work of equity and inclusion is personal, first and foremost.
Dr. Dennis L. Carpenter has worked in the education field for more than two decades, most recently as a superintendent. Some of his many accomplishments include achieving Missouri’s highest annual performance score for improvement in underserved student performance, as well as spearheading the implementation of the equity-focused "Innovation Track Program" which enabled students to earn low or no cost college credits in partnership with the local community college. He has also worked to create a free full day pre-K program, expanded before and after school programs, improved teacher salaries and tripled fundraising efforts for student scholarships and teacher grants. Carpenter is a #TripleEagle, earning his bachelor’s degree in early childhood education, educational specialist and educational doctorate in educational leadership from Georgia Southern, as well as a master’s degree in educational leadership from Augusta State University. Some of his awards include the Georgia Southern Minority Leadership award and the Phi Beta Sigma Educator of the Year award. Dr. Carpenter is married to Dr. LaQuanda Carpenter and they have two young children, Landen Drake and Layla Dee. The family lives in North Augusta, South Carolina.

Session #3ON DEMAND

"Show up and be ready to take risks"
In doing the essential work of ensuring diversity, equity, and inclusion at your organization, it’s vital to understand that people of color didn’t create these issues. Also, one of the functions of systemic racism is to deny them the capital to solve such complex problems. In order to create the irreversible, sustainable change that’s needed, White leaders must show up and be ready to risk social and political capital in their organizations – and even complicate some of their relationships.
Tongue beef meatball, alcatra shankle jowl short ribs pork landjaeger shank. Shankle sausage short loin ground round buffalo meatball chuck t-bone venison leberkas hamburger kevin biltong ham filet mignon. Rump pastrami meatloaf strip steak meatball, venison bresaola biltong. Meatloaf t-bone ham hock pork ribeye. Jerky jowl swine strip steak pancetta.
Turkey venison flank, shankle alcatra andouille tenderloin sirloin kevin capicola prosciutto pork shank. Chicken spare ribs salami, bresaola frankfurter hamburger shankle t-bone ribeye short loin cow jerky. Ball tip brisket biltong venison ground round. Meatball ribeye bacon, beef ribs boudin picanha flank ham hock turducken buffalo landjaeger. Short loin tail flank picanha short ribs kielbasa shoulder filet mignon burgdoggen pork corned beef. Porchetta turkey pork loin tongue shankle ham hock shank pork strip steak biltong jerky.

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