Start Strong, Finish Well: Stories of Perseverance and Hope in Educational Leadership
July 27, 202111am-12:00pm PT | 2-3:00pm ET
"Ask, listen, and respond to your people"
Right now, education leaders like you are reflecting on the lessons learned from the last school year and holding space for your staff, students, and community as they plan for a new normal. There is an exciting opportunity at this moment to set a new tone of hope while honoring the hard work and challenges that got you to this point.
In this event, we’ll be highlighting stories of perseverance and hearing how education leaders are listening and responding to co-create the conditions to start the 2021/2022 school year strong.
Join us to learn how to do this with your district in a virtual setting, synchronously or asynchronously, across language and demographic barriers, and with teachers, staff, students, and even community members.
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