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This Acceptable Use Policy (this “Policy”) sets out our guidelines for using the ThoughtExchange services. It forms part of and is incorporated into our broader Terms of Use (the “Terms”). Any capitalized terms that are undefined here have the same meaning as in the Terms.
ThoughtExchange is an online platform that is accessed through an internet browser via a remote electronic device. ThoughtExchange allows one person to create and facilitate a direct online conversation with a group of people. We call these conversations “Exchanges”. We call the person who leads an Exchange a “leader” and the people who participate in an Exchange “participants.” When you use ThoughtExchange, you are acting as a leader, a participant, or both. When we refer to “you” in this Policy, we refer to you in your role as a leader and / or as a participant.
We reserve the right to restrict, suspend, or terminate your access to ThoughtExchange if we believe that you are in breach of this Policy.
Whether you are a participant or a leader, a ThoughtExchange is only as good as the integrity of your input. As a leader, in order to get meaningful participation, you need to create a meaningful Exchange. As a participant, in order to have a meaningful say, you need to provide accurate and constructive input. You have an obligation to keep the conversation civil and on topic.
Whether you are acting as a leader or a participant, you agree that you will not:
- Use ThoughtExchange in any manner that is in bad taste;
- Use ThoughtExchange in any manner that is inconsistent with our public image or reputation;
- Use ThoughtExchange in any manner that would tend to bring disparagement, ridicule or scorn upon us;
- Provide content that is rude or hurtful to a person or group;
- Act dishonestly, including by posting inappropriate, inaccurate, false or objectionable content;
- Harass, abuse or harm another person;
- Attempt to use ThoughtExchange to send unwelcome or unwanted communications to others;
- Act in an unlawful, defamatory, abusive, obscene, discriminatory or otherwise objectionable manner;
- Disclose information that you do not have the right to disclose (such as confidential information of others, including your employer);
- Violate intellectual property rights of others, including patents, trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights or other proprietary rights;
- Post any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, “junk mail,” “spam,” “chain letters,” “pyramid schemes,” or any other form of solicitation;
- Submit anything that contains or links to software viruses, worms, or any other harmful code;
- Manipulate identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any content that you submit;
- Copy, modify or create derivative works of ThoughtExchange, our services or any related technology (except as expressly authorized by us);
- Reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, decipher or otherwise attempt to derive the source code for ThoughtExchange or any of our other services or any related technology, in part or as a whole;
- Imply or state that you are affiliated with or endorsed by us without our express consent (e.g., representing yourself as accredited by ThoughtExchange);
- Share or disclose information of others without their express consent;
- Share or disclose information of others in a way that is misleading or that could be taken out of context;
- Monitor our services' availability, performance or functionality for any competitive purpose;
- Engage in “framing,” “mirroring,” or otherwise simulating the appearance or function of the ThoughtExchange or our other services;
- Access our services except through: (i) the interfaces expressly provided by us such as or using a browser found on our list of supported browsers; or (ii) a supported application programing interface (API);
- Override any security feature of the services;
- Interfere with the operation of, or place an unreasonable load on, our services (e.g., spam, denial of service attack, viruses, gaming algorithms); and/or
- Access the ThoughtExchange services for the purpose of creating any competitive product or service.